Galaxy angel sim date cheats
Galaxy angel sim date cheats

galaxy angel sim date cheats

Hinagirlsreturn - the galaxy girls all changed into hina girls characters~ Thegreenback - gives $250000 at the beginning of the game Igotabagofhair - 20 of each items in store at the beginning of teh game. Slapmybitchup - all fighting skills are given at the beginng of the game It's the most expensive, but the relationship points given are the highest too. The charms can be bought at the same planet as the chicken costumes.Ħ) When bringing the girls on dates, bring them on the the $500 dollar trip to the city.

galaxy angel sim date cheats

Vanilla: Collects fishhead and sleeps with them. Oh, and she dopes cookies.įorte: Loves Guns, loves forcing people to drink Volka and supports power. She'll be the happist when receiving flowers. Milfeulle: Loves flowers, enjoy baking cakes and loves magic. Buy chciken costumes from one of the planets as presents for her. Mint: Loves intelligence, jellybeans and dressing up in overly sized animal themed clothes. Ranpha: Power and Magic, her last name is Franbiose or something like that, and loves to receive rings. She'll give $1000 and a ring per time you win. You can earn your money through fighting the 3rd person. Remember to check the log and help then girl with the mission to be faster! Don't bother working on the ship unless you have a nice rounded 40hp left. At the end, you're just run out of time even if you are playing Easy Mode.Ĥ)To save your hp and fully utitlise them, talk only to the girl you are dating. It is impossible to date them all together.

galaxy angel sim date cheats

Easy Mode does not give cheatcodes.ģ) Concentrate on dating one girl only so save time. Lesser abit is okay too.Ģ) Choose Standard Mode (100days) instead of Easy Mode (no limit). In the game, increase only your power and magic too, up to around power = 100 and magic is 50. Warning: Mild Nudity, Excessive Textual Explicit Language, Excessive Adult Themesġ) When making your character, don't add intelligence to the stats. Fight to earn money and bring the girls out to date until they become your slaves. Talk to the girls, train up your power, intelligence and magic.

Galaxy angel sim date cheats